Dr. John Kinsley, DDS
Phone: 440-331-8691
Website: www.rockyriverdentist.com
Rocky River, OH Dentist, Dr. John Kinsley Helps Patients Rest Easy With Sleep Apnea Treatments
If a full night’s sleep eludes you due to sleep apnea, Dr. John Kinsley, DDS, is here to help. Dr. Kinsley is trained in a special aspect of dentistry known as sleep dentistry. If you or a loved one suffers from sleep apnea, Dr. Kinsley can create a custom oral appliance at his Rocky River, OH office to reduce sleep apnea’s symptoms and help ensure a full night’s rest.
Sleep apnea is a medical condition that causes the tissues from the upper airway to temporarily block airflow. The result can be anything from a snore to a brief or prolonged cessation of breathing. Both occurrences are medically dangerous, as well as affect your ability or your partner to feel rested after a full night’s sleep.
If you frequently wake up from a long night’s sleep without feeling rested or a partner has told you that you snore or stop breathing when you sleep, obstructive sleep apnea could be to blame. Although only a licensed medical physician can diagnose sleep apnea, you can discuss your symptoms with Dr. Kinsley who will help guide you to obtaining proper medical and dental treatment.
Dr. Kinsley can custom-make a mouth appliance for you that advances the mandible (lower jaw) forward while you sleep. The appliance helps to keep the airway more open during sleep, decreasing the likelihood the airway will be obstructed. The results are often dramatic and life changing!
While these are not intended for use in those with more severe sleep apnea, patients with mild to moderate cases can see improvement in sleep quality and a reduction in snoring and missed breaths. At his Rocky River, OH office, Dr. Kinsley can help patients -- and their partners -- get a better night’s rest.
For more information on dental sleep apnea treatments at the office of Dr. John L. Kinsley, call 440-331-8691. To learn more about services Dr. Kinsley offers at his Rocky River, OH dental office, visit www.rockyriverdentist.com. You will be happy you did!